The human body has incredible healing powers. One of the best ways to make sure your body can maximise its power of self-healing is to ensure it gets enough sleep. If you’re like the vast majority of people, you often sacrifice sleep for your to-do list. You’ll get through your to do list easier if you’ve had enough sleep.
Less sleep equals less ability to deal with physical and mental stress. Sleep doesn’t just help your body rest; it helps your brain take on some important maintenance tasks as well.
If you’re feeling generally run down, it might be prudent to look at your sleeping habits.
- Do you regularly get less than 7 hours of sleep at night?
- Do you try to play “catch-up” on the weekends to make up for lost sleep?
- Do you struggle to get up in the morning and hit the “snooze” button far too often?
You might not be getting enough sleep and might not be getting enough sleep cycles each night. Sleep isn’t just one long continuous period of rest. Sleep stages include: transition into sleep, sleeping lightly, deeper sleep, and REM sleep stages. Your body doesn’t just need to have a single instance of each stage per night. In fact, you’ll go through several sleep cycles each night — which is necessary for restful and restorative sleep. Too few hours equals too few sleep cycles.
Make Sleep a Priority
Making sleep a priority is important. A lot of people don’t do this and suffer from lack of restorative sleep. Some don’t allow themselves enough sleep and others have trouble getting enough sleep.
Having trouble sleeping?
Lack of sleep can happen for a number of reasons and it can create a bit of a vicious cycle where you begin to suffer from health problems that make sleep even more difficult.
Here are some tips to help you:
- Establish a bedtime routine. Your body will become accustomed to it and you’ll start to find sleeping and waking up at scheduled times easier. Follow your bedtime routine on weekends, too, especially when first starting this new regimen.
- Eliminate bad nighttime habits, such as eating junk food and drinking caffeine.
- Make a to-do list at night for the next day. Do this well in advance of bedtime routines so that you won’t start to think about things once your head hits the pillow.
- Make sure you’re sleeping ergonomically. If you’ve got a lumpy mattress, a drafty bedroom, a lot of noise to content with, or other disturbances, perhaps it’s time to do a Feng Shui, of sorts, to make your sleeping area an oasis that helps lull you to sleep.
- Aches and pains keeping you up or waking you up in the middle of the night, robbing you of precious sleep cycles? Make an appointment for a physical. If you haven’t had a physical checkup lately, there could be physical reasons why you’re having trouble sleeping. Consider making an appointment with the osteopath. Contact Peter Green Osteopath if you’re looking for a Bondi Junction or Sydney Osteopath. Get help with back pain, neck pain, repetitive strain injuries, sciatica, and other problems that could make a positive difference.
“Sweet Dreams” is a kind greeting to give to others. And when you learn how important your sleep cycles are, you’ll know that sweet dreams aren’t just nice; they’re vital for overall health and wellness.